Friday 27 April 2012

What ticks your Pulse?

Ever seen a ECG? For those of us who don't know about this little machine here's a little intro.

" It is a device used to map the electrical activity of the patient's heart.". It records the pulse in Peaks and falls, the science of following voltage drops. Apart from this scientific Nugget you may already know that your heart rate is a direct measure of your emotions.

The falls are usually result of depressive activities and emotions which you feel, similarly peaks are resultant of happiness and positive emotions...but more than both of them it reacts to a bigger emotion.


You might say that fear directly reduces what is called heart beat, but i request you to go back in time a bit when you felt fear. You must have had trouble in breathing with that giddy feeling in your lungs which made youfeel like your lungs suddenly were made of sponge letting air pass through its pores in a weird uncomforting manner, your body suddenly feeling like a larvae, so delicate and you just felt out of your control.

For the braver of sorts, this stage usually kicks in what is universally called Attitude but also it is called Adrenaline.

That's one emotion your heart rate peaks to and its beyond your control. So when did your adrenaline peaked up the last time? As we grow fear becomes inherent to us, because we simply gain a lot, even though not in a material form but emotionally we become one with our Lives. then intentionally or unintentionally we begin to lose fun in adventurism or simply we don't have enough time.

Adrenaline to most people is jumping off cliffs or diving into a pool of sharks, as that is what is essentially portrayed in TV shows of today which test "fear". Reality is that you would have felt that same rip in your "Pants of bravery" when you went ahead and talked in your "Wittiest" way to the girl you had been eyeing. You also would have felt the same feeling when you let out a fart in a silent zone, thinking and wishing no one to point the sound or smell. Jokes apart the adrenaline rush is actually not your Loyal assistant which comes when you want, there's no control over it unless you know yourself in the truest sense and start loving that fear, but thats another topic for another occasion.

We're here to talk about what pumps that adrenaline in you? is it good? Or is it worthless?

Raghu ram once said that To live your life you can have 2 ways "Lead a safe and secure life" or "rise up to every challenge you get.". That's the only difference that makes you either Love the adrenaline or hate it. You might say that winning or losing due to that rush makes it worth it or not worth it, but that's your way of seeing it. We have politicians who actually get the same rush seeing Porn under the table in the Sessions of our System so i think everyone has their own point of view after all.

It can't be proven good or bad, but biologically it is said to emit positive emotions into our bloodstream so technically it has got a proof but hey its your choice to love it or hate it. So how well do you know yourself on this issue?

Finally what does pump that Blood in your stream? Reckless Adventure? Passion? Your boss?

I think i have told you the 3 extremes there can be on this issue. You can close your eyes and Run like a blind man or paraglide through the Himalayas.

You can become what pays a lot or become what you want to be and love that thing anyhow.

Or you can accept fate and consider yourself stuck in a hard life between a even harder place and a unbreakable rock.

The only think not left to your choice is, to decide.

Your decision might not just change your perception of life, it might inspire someone in need. A student who is stuck between a world half of which says that marks are no basis to measure a man and the other which counts 100% cut-offs.

A husband frustrated of not getting the option to be mad and reckless even after marrying and having children, because his madness might "upset' the Home.

A man from a small village, trying to make big amongst the "city" folks. Knowing very well that he might lack the Verbal attitude that throws people way ahead in the game.

Adrenaline takes your mind off the unnecessary. Adrenaline makes you forget the Pressure. Adrenaline gives you an identity in your own eyes, telling you that you might not need anyone else to define your Life.

It might not be in your control but it will always be your choice to go beyond what is Fear.

Think wisely, where you would want to head the next time you get that itching for a holiday, just make sure you do go. Life happens.
©S.Anand@The Youvolution

Tuesday 17 April 2012

My youth

The minutes stand by as the seconds gaze in amazement, another "youth" joins the millions that join alongside. We welcome this new member with a joyous cry and a pat on the butt-cheek, while our new member literally splits ears with his mighty voice.

Now, lets welcome this little wonder to India. Suddenly i find myself, trying to un-mute the silence, motionless and limp the baby is thrown into the shredder mechanism of a home( Count here rented or self financed?), then on to the goalpost of education (schools that make fools.) and finally when it actually gets a voice, the baby (now a man) is turned upside down and sent to money mill. Finally after running the whole mill, when our Man stands to raise his voice, his muffled and toothless sound is plastered with a senior citizen sticker.

Thus completes the cycle of our youth. Now where did my revolution go?

The change that you want to see, want to replicate from utopia is actually a series of actions not just a final decision. Our youth is concealed behind a dupatta in its young age, a burqa in its adolescence, in the active age by a modern suit and helmet, and by the old age a coffin.

The action portion simply comes when one of our revolutionary blood cells, decides to send a reactive enzyme to our brain and heart and like energetic dogs we jump and bark thus throwing a little stepping stone on to the glass ceiling of the glass jail we are encased in.

This box is no politically motivated, culturally driven blockade. Its simply a shell that all of us have created together in our mindset full of preconceived notions, bigoted point of views and partially fulfilled forms of knowledge. We are not the only ones to blame, as this pothole is actually a creation of "cultural" and "ethical" actions by our beloved seniors.

Now, we know the cancer, we say we have bloated it to all extremes. Where does the solution lie?

It lies in the handcuffs around our voices, it stays in the silence of our dreams which we all see and it breathes inside each one of us every moment as a unanswered caller. Till when it will be alive, to actually create a impact is the new question.

Its not just in our country that we face this problem, its actually stuck around the whole world and like us the inaction is actually making us think that we are mute.

Till we remain so idle, there will never be a solution.

I am not saying we are facing the impossible, i am saying its going to be tough and thus its going to be worth the victory.

Its fairly simple, to beat this problem. We have to use what they use upon us.

There's a concept in Game theory called prisoner's dilemma. basically it controls the actions and challenges the psyche of 2 criminals locked in different parts of a jail. Both offered a challenge in the form of a punishment on completion of which they will be sent to parole. Whilst they are told the stipulation, they are also offered a short cut according to which if any 1 of the criminals agrees to take on a bigger punishment and the other one doesn't then the second prisoner has to take on the bigger punishment as penalty and the first prisoner walks free without any work. But if both of them are agreeing to take the punishment, then both of them would have to perform the bigger challenge and only 1 will be relieved, that too according to whoever completes the stipulation in a better fashion.

We face this situation quite a lot in our Life. On one side we are given the "strongesst' power of voting, while on the other side we are pitted against our own brothers who are "uneducated". When the election is near, the youth committees of political parties try to please the youth of cities with cars and bikes, while a portion of the same youth wing goes to the outer limits of the city and promises work and food.

When we are going to vote we are made to think that out of all the candidates we have a choice only between devils, since each of these devils will be voted anyhow by the "Caste-minded", "Uneducated","Wanna-be" "others" thus we must vote them to power, since they are the good version of Satan. While the so called "others" are given the same story just in a different tune, they are told that by voting for caste they are actually protecting the sanctity of our country and otherwise how the "ameer baap ki aulad"  in the cities will eat into their future system of life. Jobs in cities.

This ultimately reaches to the core that both the city youth and the Rural youth accept the stipulation and cause a epic fail. each time this cycle reproduces a new innovative way of life. tentatively title:-

"How to fail and fool every youth in India!"[Soon in theatres near you, depending on election] ( now thats a blog for another day)

The ultimate mockery comes when the very same parties we voted to power actually start working! Their sessions in the parliament are started with occasional movie or porn under the table and ends when someone lifts a chair and throws it. Post- session they go out to rally in the "gaon se gaon tak" yatras and count money all the way.

What we must do, is change the game. Why should we be allowed the liberty to vote only? Why not reject?
Why must we be treated to a different marketing strategy than a village youth? Why can't political parties show what work they have done and directly answer to any demands the public has rather than beg always?

Why is there an advertisement of a little boy or girl on his/her death bed in need of money on our newspapers every day when we have so much money as to support BMW"s and Audi's for our beloved Ministers? Why can't the people of India decide how the Politicians live, when they can even try to control what we post on our Social-networking sites?

Its not a rebellion that we require, its a revolution that's the answer.

Every revolution in this world which actually left a impact, brought a change, toppled a government was driven by one key factor. KNOWLEDGE.

Our duty is to fill ourselves with it, be smart and be open to constructive criticism. We might be hot- blooded but we have a right to do what we want. IF We want a right to reject, we get one! When they ask why should we have this right,we must have a answer. There are so many deaths, rapes, assaults, crimes committed on the name and addiction of power by our ministers. why can't we all educate ourselves about all that.

Why mustn't we find solutions ourselves and not wait for a Old man to lie on a 8 feet tall stage and stay hungry in the name of saving our country. Don't we have a brain to know what is the "game" of the government.

Why should we be stopped from saying, doing, wearing anything in the name of protecting our country's culture? When its own Politicians are unaware of it. We have had minsters caught on tape not able to sing the national song! Let alone question their historical knowledge.

Rid yourself of unfair notions that "America" is better, Girls should not wear dresses for safety, Education is scoring marks only, we don't have a choice etc.

Accept it. you are the only generation that is ready to bring a change, the generation before ours was too busy trying out government jobs.

Get up from that chair and watch the news, read a news paper discuss with friends do whatever you can. just don't sit on your butt knowing that it was slapped once when you were born and now its being slapped again because you are a Politician's B***h!

©S.Anand@The Youvolution